GENEALOGY REPORT FOR KALI REIS claims Cherokee, Nimpuc and Seaconke Wampanoag a cultural group
NOTE The Seaconke Wamponoag group is an organization, neither State recognized and not Federally recognized group (not tribe). Its is a CPAIN, a cultural entertainment group. They are a self identifying. They “claim” to be of the Wampanoag People, however the State and Federal government, clearly disagree. In 2005 researchers analyzed genetic variations among the self proclaimed Seaconke Wampanoag group. The researchers found that the MAJORITY of mtDNA haplotypes belong to west Eurasian and African lineages, thus establishing interaction with Europeans and Africans. On the paternal side the Y chromosomes identified “some” range of Native American, mixed with Eurasian and African. But what does that mean? That 500 years ago there “appears“ to have been some sort of genetic connection? That does Not mean they are a Sovereign Nation with culture, language and history, capable of governing themselves. In fact, they are neither State or Federally recognized for those reasons. They cannot prove their lineages, language and culture. Only the Mashpee and Aquinnah Wampanoag People are recognized as legitimate Sovereign Nations of the area.
Following prossess of genealogical standard thru verification of each generation’s documents, I did not find indication of American Indian ancestry. I cannot change history or documentation to fit a person’s narrative of American Indian ancestral claims.
This will be a brief summary of her paternal lines who all have Portuguese origins and Cape Verde Islands, showing immigration to the northeastern United States. NOTE: it is not possible to have American Indian ancestry originating from Africa or Portugal.
Father: Frank N. Reis Jr b. 1956 Rhode Island
Grandparents: Frank Nicholas Reis Sr. b. 1919 Lisbon, Portugal. Spouse: Almira Miranda b. 1926 Rhode Island, Her parents, great grandparents: Manuel Pacheco Miranda b. 1886 Bretanha, Azores, Portugal. Spouse: Julia Maria De Britto b. 1896 Cabo Verde Islands His parents (Manuel’s) 2nd great grandparents: Francisco Pacheco Miranda b. 1857 Portugal and Mariana Augusta Da Gloria Moreira b. 1863 Portugal
Great grandparents (Frank Sr’s parents) Nicholas Francisco Reis b. 1895 Portugal and Marie Gomes b. 1889 Madeira, Portugal
Mother: P. Baptista living
Grandparents: Walter Lewis Baptista b. Rhode Island 1926 Sources: 1930 Federal U.S. census- race black, listed with parents Manuel Baptista and Dora Lucy Williams and his sibling proving relationships, 1935 Rhode Island State census, 1940 Federal U.S. census-race black, listed with parents and siblings proving relationship, WWII Army enlistment record-race black, WWII draft card-race black lists mother proving relationship, Rhode Island U.S. Federal naturalization record for his father Manuel parents listed proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. SPOUSE: listed below section 6, page 2
Great grandparents: (Walter’s parents) Manuel Baptista b. Cape Verde 1895, point of U.S. arrival Massachusetts 1916, in a relationship (date hypothesis on or about) 1925 with Dora Lucy Williams b. 1898 Virginia, had two male children with Dora, Walter Lewis Baptista and William Bernardo Baptista. On the 1930 census report it reads they are married but whether or not they were actually married is unknown (no marriage record found). I do know that on the 1940 census that relationship seems to have terminated sometime between 1930 and 1940 because in 1940 Manuel is listed as married with a new spouse named Matilda Regina Silva and they have two daughters Mary and Margaret. In 1943, on his U.S. immigration and naturalization record, Manuel again is listed with spouse Matilda Regina Silva lists also their two daughters. Clearly his older male children Walter and William are residing with their mother Dora Lucy as they are documented on the 1940, 1950 Federal census reports and WWII military records. Sources: 1930 Federal U.S. census report- race white, listed with companion or spouse Dora Lucy Williams, two male children William and Walter proving relationship. 1940 Federal U.S. census report listed with 2nd spouse Matilda Regina Silva and children Rita and Mary proving relationship, 1950 Federal U.S. census report-race Portuguese, lists spouse and children proving relationship, Rhode Island Federal naturalization record-race white, petition date 1943 - listed with spouse Matilda Regina Silva and children proving relationships. END LINE: Manuel is not of interest born outside of the United States, American Indians did not inhabit Capo Verde Islands. SECOND SPOUSE: Matilda Regina Silva: Matilda’s ancestry is not of interest since she is not a direct lineal blood relative to Walter Lewis Baptista. END LINE
Grandmother: Dora Lucy Williams b. Virginia 1898 listed on 1900, 1910 and 1920 Federal U.S. census reports, lists parents and siblings proving relationships. 1930 Federal U.S. census report listed with spouse or companion Manuel Baptista and two male children proving relationships. 1940 Federal U.S. census report listed as divorced and is listed with her two sons William and Walter, proving relationships. She is also listed on her son’s military enlistment and draft cards proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.
Great grandparents (Dora’s parents) Hunter Williams b. Virginia 1860 and 1870 listed on Federal U.S. census reports-race mulatto with parents and siblings proving relationships. 1900 Federal U.S. census report- race black listed with spouse and children proving relationships. Virginia birth registry lists spouse and male child Barnett proving relationships. Virginia birth record lists spouse and female child Bessie proving relationships. Social security application lists spouse with her maiden name and male child Robert proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. SPOUSE: Lucy Edith Green b. Virginia 1861 listed on 1870 Federal U.S. census report- race black with parents and siblings proving relationships. 1900 Federal U.S. census report- race black listed with spouse Hunter Williams and children proving relationships. On the 1910 census report- race white, is widowed at that time, listed with children. 1920 U.S. census report- race black listed as widowed with children proving relationships. 1950 Federal U.S. census- race black 78 years old living either two adult children. She is also listed on two male adult children’s draft cards proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. HER PARENTS 2nd great grandparents: Albert Green b. Virginia 1820 he is found on the 1870 Federal U.S. census report-race black, occupation is laborer listed with spouse and children proving relationships. END LINE- assuming Albert was a victim of the slave trade stolen from his home country to the United States resulting in lack of documentation NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. SPOUSE: Mary Green b. Virginia 1830 listed on the 1870 Federal U.S. census report- race black listed with spouse and children proving relationships. END LINE assuming that she was also a victim of the slave trade stolen from her home country to the United States, resulting in lack of documentation. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.
Grandmother: spouse of Walter Lewis Baptista Edith E. Lewis b. 1928 Rhode Island listed on 1940 Federal U.S. census and 1935 Rhode Island State census race white. U. S. obituary collection listed with spouse and child proving relationships. 1950 thru 1964 U.S. city directories listed with spouse Walter Lewis Baptista proving probable lifelong relationship of marriage (no official marriage record located) NOTE: no indication of American ancestry found.
Great grandparents (parents of Edith E. Lewis) Stepfather Thirsford Elisha Lewis b. 1907 Rhode Island listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1910 thru 1950- race varies from white, mulatto and black, listed with parents and siblings on early census reports and then listed with spouse and children proving parental and marital relationships and parentage to the children. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. HIS PARENTS 2nd great grandparents: father James G. Lewis b. 1859 Connecticut, listed on Federal U.S. and Rhode Island State census reports 1860 thru 1930- race varies black and mulatto, listed in early census reports with parents and siblings, later reports list spouse and children proving parental and marital relationships and parentage to the children. 1903 marriage record lists spouse and both parents proving relationships. HIS PARENTS 3rd great grandparents: (James G. Lewis’ father) Stephen Lewis b. 1817 Rhode Island listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1860 thru 1880- race black or mulatto, listed with spouse and children proving relationships. Connecticut and Massachusetts marriage records lists spouse and child proving relationships. Civil War colored troops pension records lists spouse proving relationship. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. HIS SPOUSE: Nancy Curliss b. 1820 Rhode Island, listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1870 thru 1880- race black or mulatto NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. SPOUSE of James G. Green 2nd great grandmother: Mary C. Greene b. 1873 Rhode Island, listed on Federal U.S. census reports- race varies black or mulatto, listed on census reports 1880 thru 1950. Early census reports list parents and siblings proving relationships, later reports list spouse and children proving relationships. 1903 U.S. marriage record lists her parents and spouse proving relationships. Military draft record lists spouse proving relationship. NOTE: I did not find indication of American Indian ancestry. HER PARENTS 3rd great grandparents: Elisha Greene b. Ohio 1846 listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1870 thru 1940 race- black or white. Listed on early census reports with parents and siblings proving relationships, later census reports listed with spouse and children proving relationships. Massachusetts marriage record lists spouse and parents proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. SPOUSE 3rd great grandmother: Analiza Simmons b. 1849 Rhode Island listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1865, 1875, 1885 Rhode Island State census, Federal U.S. census report 1880 and 1900 race black, listed on census reports with spouse and children, parents unknown. Father and mother’s names unknown, listed as both being from Rhode Island, estimated birth dates for parents 1830 to 1825. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.
Great grandmother continued Thirsford Elisha Lewis’ spouse a/o Edith E. Lewis’ mother:
Gladys D. Washington b. 1910 Rhode Island 1920 thru 1940 census- race black, early census reports listed parents and siblings proving relationships, later reports list spouse and children proving relationships. Rhode Island State census reports 1915 and 1925 she is listed with parents and siblings proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.
2nd great grandparents Gladys’ parents father: Charles Washington b. 1886 Rhode Island listed on 1900 Federal U.S. census reports thru 1950- race black, early census reports listed with parents and siblings proving relationships, later census reports list spouse and children proving relationships. WWII draft card lists spouse. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.
3rd great grandparents Charles parents: Robert Washington Jr b. 1847 Virginia listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1860 thru 1900- race black, most of the census reports list Robert with spouse and his children. Massachusetts marriage record lists parents and spouse proving relationships. Massachusetts vital records lists parents and spouse proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. 4th great grandparents Robert’s parents Robert Washington Sr b. 1827 Virginia SPOUSE of Robert Jr: Mary Ann Dixon b. 1847 Virginia listed on 1850 census thru 1940- race black early census reports list parents and siblings proving relationships, later census reports listed spouse and children proving relationships, marriage record lists spouse and parents proving relationships, Massachusetts vital records list parents and spouse proving relationships. HER PARENTS 4th great grandparents: Samuel Dixon b. Virginia 1812 listed on 1860 census, 1860 census- race white listed with spouse and children, Massachusetts marriage record lists spouse and children proving relationships, Virginia death records list race as black, Spouse: Martha Adams b. 1815 Virginia. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.
2nd great grandmother spouse of Charles Washington: Georgiana Elizabeth Fisher b. 1886 Massachusetts listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1910 thru 1940- race black, listed with her spouse and children proving relationships. Massachusetts U.S. birth record lists parents, Massachusetts vital records, Massachusetts U.S. vital extracts, lists parents proving relationships. Rhode Island marriage index lists spouse proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry found
3rd great grandparents Georgiana’s parents: William Henry Fisher b. 1849 North Carolina listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1880 thru 1920 race black lists spouse and children proving relationships. Vital records lists his parents, marriage record lists both his parents and his spouses parents, census reports list spouse and children proving relationships. HIS PARENTS 4th great grandparents William’s parents: Jacob Fisher b. 1815 North Carolina and Frances Fisher b. 1818 North Carolina, no further details available. NOTE: I did not find indication of American Indian ancestry.
SPOUSE: Georgiana Elizabeth Elderkin b.1861 Massachusetts listed on 1870 thru 1900 Federal U.S. census reports- race black, listed with parents and siblings then spouse and children proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.
4th great grandparents Georgiana’s parents: John Lewis Elderkin b. 1833 Massachusetts listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1850 thru 1910- race varies white, mulatto, black, Listed with parents and siblings proving relationships, listed with spouse and children proving relationships. Massachusetts birth records, death records, vital records lists parents a/o children and spouse proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. SPOUSE: Martha Ann Miller b. 1844 Massachusetts, 1850 thru 1920 Federal U.S. census reports-race varies mulatto, black and white, listed with parents, spouse, siblings and children proving relationships. Massachusetts death record lists spouse and child proving relationships, delayed vital record lists spouse and child proving relationships, Massachusetts marriage record lists spouse and parents proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. HER PARENTS, 6th great grandparents John Miller b. 1803 Rhode Island, listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1830 thru 1880 census- race white listed with spouse and children proving relationships, marriage record lists spouse and child proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry. SPOUSE: Susan Slocum b. 1799 Massachusetts listed on Federal U.S. census reports 1850 and 1860 with spouse and children proving relationships, marriage record lists spouse, parents and child proving relationships. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.
HIS PARENTS (Johns’s)5th great grandparents: Marcus Aurelius Elderkin b. about 1790 Massachusetts and Elizabeth Slocum b. 1790 Massachusetts. Elizabeth and Mary Slocum could be siblings or cousins. NOTE: no indication of American Indian ancestry.